The uplifting stories presented during the convention have been such an encouragement. So far, my favorite story is of Jon Ponder but I also learned some things about the work the President has done on behalf of Native Americans. The showcase of...
Politics, Religious Freedom/Conscience Rights, Right to Life
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Religious Freedom and Conscience Rights
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, ruled in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor. You will see many websites and news organizations focused very narrowly on what this means for women seeking contraceptive coverage in their...
General Topics, Housekeeping, Politics, Right to Life, Writing
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Changing Things Up
Because I have gone back to work as the communications director at my former employer, I have to be cautious about what I say and where I say it. Sadly, this means that this site will have to take on a different tone and purpose. It will likely...